Qui sert encore plus à Sofia visiblement.
Abreviation | Meaning |
bradaframanadamada | brother from another mother |
btw | by the way |
dw | don’t worry |
ftfy | fixed that for you |
id(f)c | I don’t (fucking) care |
idgaf | I don’t give a fuck |
idk / dunno | I don’t know |
ikr | I know right |
ilv | I love you |
im(h)o | in my (humble) opinion |
gl | good luck |
gn | good night |
ngl | not gonna lie |
np | no problem |
nvm | nevermind |
ofc | of course |
omw | on my way |
otoh | on the other hand |
u | you |
y | why |
wdym | what do you mean |
wrt | with respect to |
wtf | what the fuck |
wth | what the hell |
Et c’est parti pour des abriévations françaises aussi.
Abréviation | Sens |
alc | à la clé |